A few days ago a very witty friend of mine had his status as – don’t flatter yourself, it’s just a friend request not a marriage proposal. So after a 5 minute laughing fit where I thought back to a 100 times when I’ve excitedly told people how XYZ had added me FB and how it was ‘SO COOL’! I sobered up and chided pathetic little me to get a control on myself. It was after all not entirely a flattering thing that I identified with it. But I took solace in knowing that I could think of at least 10 more people who would be right there laughing with me. Because of the same reason. So is a fb friend request actually such a big deal? I mean we all agree that it makes us a little happy when someone interesting adds us, giving us plenty of opportunity to go through their pictures, be privy to their private lives and stalk them shamelessly. Ok probably shouldn’t have said that out loud. But then, I’m sure I’m not the only one here. I mean come on, we ALL check out pics as soon as the person adds us. I’ve done it and so have you. In some ways, I think, I also tend to judge my compatibility with people based on how well we can banter, obviously meaning chat and wall posts. So in a time when people don’t meet organically a lot (courtesy He’s Just Not That Into You) isn’t facebook the 1st step towards being in touch with people? We all update our profiles regularly, removing any signs of being “uncool” (removing embarrassing movie and music preferences included) and make sure that we have our nicest pic up as our profile pic... I mean we do love knowing how many people ‘’liked’’ it! And who can ignore that little flutter in your tummy when the aforementioned interesting someone’s name appears on your notification or your page in general. If not it’s a great tool for unrequited love as well... where else do you get to stare at someone’s pictures quite so shamelessly and not fear a restraining order against you? Ok. Yes I know! I know! I’m nibha. And I'm a facebook stalker (reporting live from FB Stalker Support Group)
Its so true and i really like it!!!! :D