Thursday, 25 February 2010

Snogging couples and all that...

After a completely exhausting day, which can happily be summed up as mind numbingly boring, I headed out to go home from the lecture theatre and as if right out of Santana’s video, Game of Love, there was a parade of kissing couples around me. If I thought my day was exhausting, that my friends, was my WTF moment. Alright don’t get me wrong. Yes I am single but I’m not the OMG - the - world - is - coming - to - an - end - and - I’m - going - to - die - alone - with - my - cat - because - I - don’t - have - a - guy - to - hang - onto - like - an - appendage kinda single… I'm more the I'm - single - hence - I - can - have - fun kind of single. As an international student at the uni, the last one and a half year has taught me that any place in uni – lecture halls included – is perfectly acceptable for random displays of affection. Part of me screams waaheeyyy for the couples… I mean why the hell not right… bully for you! But then this other part of me screams (the Indian part I reckon) is it absolutely necessary?!!? I mean seriously… what's the urgency that it cant wait for a while? So while I walked in the cold, my arms wrapped tightly around me (to keep the cold at bay you sickos) and waited for the Santana video to end in the background I tried to imagine what it would be like back in the day when what happened behind closed doors remained there… sadly enough for me… I was brought up in a century where closed doors are replaced by transparent windows and couples intertwined seem to be as normal as ‘horn ok please’ behind trucks in india is.

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