Tuesday, 22 February 2011

To a very special someone. not.

They say you don’t miss your water till it’s gone. Reckon truer words were never spoken. Over the last 1 week in office, I have noticed very peculiar behaviour from a man who sits across my cubicle. If I may be immodest enough to say, I think I have just managed to acquire for myself, a creep! This man I talk about has a routine that I am fast becoming aware of. Every time I read the newspaper, he comes and asks me what’s “new”. Well, it is the newspaper, and it is supposed to report new stuff everyday but I render it prudent to reply with a constant smile and head shake “same old, same old”. He has also been exceptionally quick at adding me on IM and talking to me about his personal life. In 2 days that he has spoke to me about his sad pathetic life, he must’ve told me how “lonely” he is at least once every hour and that he has “no company” to explore Bombay at least every two hours. Smooth. Not.

This man, as he has been kind enough to tell me, has a wife and 2 kids. Now because I am such an amazing person and like to see the positive in everyone, I would like to believe he just wants to make frandship with me. However, the nagging bitch in my mind still asks why he isn’t out there making frandships with mards his age as opposed to ladki log! Anyway, sitting through his life and family history, I came into office today prepared to nip the conversation in its bud. No bhaiyya, I don’t want to know about your life, your food choices or how lonely you are. No. But dash it!! He wasn’t there today! Now initially, my heart soared at the possibility of not having to sit through his “BOARing” sermons (yes, that’s how he spells bore) about himself but as the hours passed I realized I was feeling boared! Very very boared! I think I didn’t even realize but he became an important part of my daily routine and now he was gone and I had no one to creep me out. You know how heart wrenching it is when you are sitting and reading the paper and someone doesn’t crawl up to you to ask you what’s new?? Sigh. Every time I saw his empty chair from across the cubicle my heart was saddened by how lonely I felt!

So this goes out to the creep in office, come back. Who knew, life without having you to give me fodder to bitch about would be so boring.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahah creepy guy! must say! BOARED!!! really? :P
